

SoulCollage® is a creative and satisfying collage process. You make your own deck of cards—each collage card representing one aspect of your personality or Soul. Use the cards intuitively to answer life’s questions and participate in self-discovery. Joyfully deepen your understanding of the relationships between your personality parts, you and your family/community/world, and you and your dreams, symbols, and Spirit. Founder Seena B. Frost’s book, SoulCollage® Evolving, describes how to make and use the SoulCollage® cards individually and in groups. (Thanks for the above description.)

As a SoulCollage Facilitator, I am trained to teach the process, in workshops and private sessions. This powerful method helps us access healing avenues through visual and non-verbal pathways. The visual images created are then used in a self-reflection process that supports verbal integration of unconscious material. When the unconscious is made conscious insight and healing may occur.

For a video about the process see video below:


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San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 757-4408

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